Sunday, September 10, 2017

First Day

The First Day of the Rest of Your Life

Lucky for you, this is the first day of the rest of your life.  Yes, it is possible that you have started over on your path to righteousness many times before.  Like, everyday even.  In the morning you wake up and you tell yourself that you are going to be “good” today, right?  Then at 5 o’clock you look back on the day and you realize that your path was littered with “bad” things.  At morning coffee you gossiped about your neighbor.  During the day you had negative thoughts about a co-worker.  You cursed when you stubbed your toe on the desk.  So, maybe you’ve decided you can’t be “good”, and you have almost given up on ever truly finding the path to God because it is just too hard. 

Don’t give up hope yet!  These little sins are carrying you farther away from your Father.  What you need most is to draw nearer.  There are ways that you can help yourself achieve this.  Today is truly the new start you’ve been looking for.  The struggle you are having with sin is not because you are a failure.  It is because you have allowed yourself too much distance from the Lord.  It is because this crevice that you have created between you and Him allows Satan to creep in.  You may say that Satan isn’t real or that he is not in your life, but he is all around you. Don’t let yourself be fooled, anything that pulls you away or distracts you from God is Satan.  He is always there, waiting for you to fall into his trap.  He is easy to defeat if you use the right methods, though!  If you have a heart FULL of God then Satan has no more room and he has to move out!

You are probably asking, “How do I do that?”  First, immerse yourself in God.  This isn’t going to be easy.  This is going to require a lot of sacrifices from you.  You’ll probably have to get up earlier and also give up a lot of the things in your life that you “enjoy”.  The reward is totally worth it, though.  The reward is true JOY!  The kind of JOY you have never experienced before.  This Great Maker of ours is the only one who can bring that to you.  Not to mention, you will start to feel His power in your everyday life.  There is no greater feeling than that!

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 7:21

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