Thursday, September 14, 2017

Fishing or Phishing?

Fishing or Phishing?

Many wander through this life not really knowing where they are going, wandering aimlessly without any real plan for an eternal future. They may think they have a plan for their earthly future, and they may even be “successful”, but as far as knowing the Lord, they really aren’t making any attempts at a relationship. For those of us who know the Lord we may ask, “Why not?” The answer is: they have been duped by Satan into believing that the life they have chosen is easier, better, more fun. Little do they know that they are being led into a life of unhappiness, worry, and anxiety. Not only that, but an eternity in a place far worse. 

Let’s talk a little bit about the actions of Satan in the world around us. I’m sure in this age of the internet that we have all heard about “phishing scams”. This is where hackers trick you into giving them your vital information so that they can use it to clean out your bank account and steal your identity in order to take everything from you. Does this sound familiar? Yes, it sounds a lot like the work of Satan in people’s lives. He tricks people by using their deepest desires against them, tricks them into giving in to him, and continues until he has taken everything from them. We see this all of the time. Go visit a prison and ask any inmate how they got there. It will ALWAYS lead back to the work of Satan in their lives. One of the ways Satan keeps people from God is through pleasure. He tricks us into thinking that it is making us happy when all it really brings is guilt and a distance from God. True happiness only comes when we walk away from the guilty pleasures that are holding us back and give ourselves truly and completely to the Lord.

On the opposite end of the spectrum from this trickster that we call Satan is the one that truly loves us, Jesus. He is the One who was sent by God to die for us. He is the Only One who was willing to give Everything He had for us. While here on this earth, Jesus sent out his disciples and told them he would make them “fishers of men.” Instead of being a fake “phisher” like Satan, in order to lead people to destruction, Jesus is the true Fisherman. He wants all of us to be in the nets when the final resurrection day comes. This is because He sees us all as His children and loves each and every one of us. You can imagine how much a parent’s heart breaks each and every time they lose a child. The Lord feels this way about each of us when we get “phished” by Satan.

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10

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