Thursday, September 14, 2017

Boxed In

Boxed In

Many women have a pretty jewelry box of some sort that sits up on a shelf that they put their nice jewelry in. You know, the things that you only wear on special occasions or when you are going out for an evening. Then when we get home we put them back in the jewelry box, close the lid, and leave them in there until we need them again. How many of us treat God the same way we treat our fancy jewelry? We put Him in the box and only take Him out when it is convenient for us. We take Him out to go to church on Sunday morning, or when something goes wrong in our life. Sometimes we might take Him out when we are around other Christians so they know that we are believers. Unfortunately, for some reason, we want to continue to put Him back in the box instead of letting Him roam around our lives freely. Why is that? Are we afraid that He will see what we are doing in our lives or are we too lazy to work at being a Christian? Or are we afraid of what others will think if we show we are crazy about the Lord?

Whatever the reason is that we continue to put the Lord back up on the shelf, it is time to change that. A life with Him in it is much more fulfilling than the one with Him stuck in the box on the shelf! Having Him beside us all day long changes the way we see everything. When you are allowing Christ to fill every moment and thought, then the negative cast that is usually in your vision will be gone. His love will shine through you to others. Yes, it does take some work to stay focused on Christ. You see, once Satan sees you becoming one of Christ’s true followers, he will begin his attack on you. He will try his best to distract you and pull you away. Stay strong – it will pay off in a life filled with light.

“For this people's heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.” Matthew 13:15

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