Monday, September 25, 2017

Gold gLOVE

Gold gLOVE

Our world is filled with arguing and fighting these days. If I’m being honest, I will admit that it often involves Christians. It seems that people always want to take a side in every argument. Why is that? Why do we always feel the need to choose? So often by making a choice of who is right or wrong in an argument, we are letting ourselves become a part of the problem. We are letting ourselves get involved in something that will put a wedge between two people, two groups of people, two countries, etc. 

Do you ever find yourself involved in a fight and insisting that you are right? Do you find yourself refusing to back down from the fight? Is this what the Lord would want from us? My opinion is that the Lord wants us to promote peace, love, and harmony among us. He would want us to back down from the fight.

Now let’s stop and consider what the fight is all about. It might be a political stance, a personal belief, an argument with a friend or a spouse, it really doesn’t matter. I’ll say it again, IT REALLY DOESN’T MATTER! In the grand scheme of life, it doesn’t amount to a hill of beans. Think of it in this way: If the world ended tomorrow would this argument that kept you from loving others mean anything at all to Jesus when you see Him face-to-face? Or would the fact that you held onto this fight INSTEAD of loving others mean more to the Lord? Maybe we should lay down our hateful, slanderous, judgmental words and actions and take a look at what we are truly fighting for. 

"Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you."
Ephesians 4:31-32

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