Thursday, November 2, 2017



This week most of us have watched little ghosts and goblins trek around local streets hoping for some candy. Halloween means dressing up in costumes and many times wearing masks. For the children, this is only one day a year. For many of us, the masks get donned more often than this. These masks become a part of our normal wardrobe, just like the clothes we wear every day.

I can tell you a lot about this mask, because I’ve been a wearer in the past. Let me tell you about my own mask and then ask yourself if you have a mask of your own. In the past there were two different masks I would wear. One mask was worn on Sunday morning. This mask was a mask of perfection. It was what I thought people expected of me, but it was a false face. During the rest of my life I wore a different mask, one that was not so perfect. 

One day, I realized that I was cheating myself, and God, by wearing these two masks. By wearing the first mask I was not allowing myself to truly be known, to be seen, to be honest with my fellow church family members. I was hiding from them and from a God that wanted to love me wholly and to forgive me for my sins. By wearing the second mask I was cheating not only myself but others that would look to me as a Christian and find me lacking. This mask was hurting the Lord as well as those who might come to Him. 

Taking off the mask and allowing myself to be known by the Lord, allowing Him to reside within me and shine through me has been the greatest decision I’ve ever made. Instead of being half a person all of the time, I’ve become a whole person all of the time. Are you wearing a mask? Halloween is over – time to take off the mask!

“For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.” Luke 8:17

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