Wednesday, November 16, 2016

But For The Grace of God Go I

"But for the grace of God go I", Margaret would say as yet another lost or tortured soul had crossed her path.  Our Margaret was good at putting herself in others shoes and seeing life through their eyes.  Often times none of us around her ever even realized what an angel we had among us, at least not until after she died.  Then the many that she helped on a regular basis started telling their stories!

Yes, Margaret Smith lived as God intended all of us to live.  Her life could be an inspiration to us all.  "But for the grace of God go I"...Margaret's often-heard saying was her way of saying that she was very blessed to have all that the Lord had given her and also a way to say that we don't know how we would react in the same circumstances.  Standing in someone else's shoes things might look a whole lot different to us.  How often do we do that?  When someone hurts us do we only think of our feelings or do we try to see what it might be like living in their shoes?  Something to think about. I'm not saying Margaret was perfect but I do believe she had empathy for her fellow human and a heart of gold.

What was inspiring about Margaret's life was that she was living her life the way God intended.  She was constantly doing things to help others, but quietly and humbly.  She was His servant and dedicated her life to serving others.  Her work life was a service to others as a WIC clerk and then the money she made by doing this job as a servant she gave away to those that needed it. 

I was a single mom while working with her and I can remember having a wisdom tooth break off.  It was so painful and I didn't have a dentist at the time.  She called her dentist and made me an appointment for me and found out how much it was going to cost.  Before I left for the appointment she called me aside and handed me a check to the dentist for the full amount.  I was in tears because I knew I couldn't afford the appointment but I had to get it pulled.  She was just sweet and wonderful like that. 

Next week would have been Margaret's birthday, maybe that is why God put thoughts of her in my head today.  November 22- she shared the same birthday as my Grandma, maybe that is why she has a special place in my heart!  Miss you Margaret...Happy Birthday in Heaven!

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