Monday, December 12, 2016

Jesus Came for Sinners

Listening to a song on the radio this week got me to thinking.  So many of the songs on Christian radio stations are written by people who have struggled with sin and, through Christ, overcame and are thankful.  Have you ever stopped to think how often times the "worst" sinners go on to become the most devoted Christians?  I really believe the Lord does this on purpose. 

One example is Mary Magdalene in the Bible.  She was a prostitute but became one of the most devoted followers of Jesus.  Those of us that feel like we have been given a great gift are often very thankful for that gift.  We know what it feels like to have the embers of hell licking at our toes, so when Jesus gives a reprieve from our prison sentence we want to dance in the streets and tell the world!

Often times the Lord chooses the lowly, the sinner, the outcast to do His work and to showcase how freely given His love can be if we only choose it.  Take the birth of Jesus, for example.  God chose a carpenter and his fiancé to be the parents of his only begotten Son -  not a prince and his princess or a king and his queen.  No, he chose common, everyday people.  Then He allowed this Son to be born in a manger.  The shepherds, who were considered the lowliest of people back then, were the first to be told of His birth - by angels no less!

The Lord does nothing on accident. Everything He does has a purpose.  Within each of His children He sees their true beauty and the pure heart that lies within.  He can see who we are underneath our sins and knows what we can and will become.  He knows what a treasure we will be someday - the diamond inside the chunk of coal, so to speak. He knows what our gifts are because He is the One who has given us those gifts in the first place.  Each one of us has a purpose - a way that we are meant to serve the Lord with the talents that He gave us.

 The Lord is sending a message that being a Christian is not an elite club.  Jesus is welcoming you with open arms.  His arms are permanently open for ALL of us (they are nailed there!), ready to accept us and take the weight of our sins.  You don't need to be rich, beautiful or perfect - just ready to be His!

"Therefore accept one another, then, as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God." Romans 15:7

If you don't have a church home and you are ready to be His, there are many churches in our community to choose from!  Leonard Christian Church has church services every Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. followed by Sunday School at 10:30 a.m.  We'd love to see you there!